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person sitting with an open laptop on their lap. They are holding a mug of tea.

Neurodivergent Affirming Therapy

"Let the truth exist somewhere other than inside your body." 

- Della Hicks-Wilson

Life brings about painful, unexpected, and overwhelming experiences. During these difficult times, we may feel anxious, alone, and unsure of our next steps. We need someone who can hold space for us—listen without judgment or giving advice—while we learn to compassionately support ourselves. You're not alone. I'm here to offer compassionate, empowering support as you navigate your way through the unknown.


At other times, we may feel confused and frustrated, stuck in old patterns and disconnected from the wisest part of ourselves. We would like to (re)connect with ourselves and gain a deeper insight into what is working in our lives and what is not. I'm here to be an honest travel companion, walking beside you and reflecting back to you your deepest truth.


If we're grieving, we need someone who can, as grief expert Megan Devine says, "bear witness to that which cannot be fixed." Someone to sit beside us while we grieve the unbearable. Someone who won't gaslight us with toxic positivity or harmful platitudes. Those of us familiar with grief know this truth: "Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried." (Devine) Grief can be achingly lonely. I'm here to sit with you through it all. 



Together, we'll create an accepting and compassionate environment,

with respect for your intuition and body's wisdom underlying all that we do. 

We'll create a holistic container that can hold it all: the fear, the grief, the shame, the anxiety, the doubts...

by utilizing whatever approaches feel most supportive to you. This may include parts work (Internal Family Systems), somatic (body-centered) support, or creative arts expression.


illustration of abstract lines with soft muted pink and brown

“Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen:
room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”

-Pema Chödrön

Convenient + Confidential


neuroaffirming therapy

from the comfort of your

home, office or airbnb.


We'll meet online via an

easy-to-use HIPAA compliant (secure)

video conferencing system,


$200 per 60 minute session


neuroqueer abstract line drawing of a face created by autistic therapist River Marino. the words read: you don't have to heal yourself into a neat little story of triumph or success. Life is mess. Growth isn't linear. You are not a commercial. -Chani Nicholas
The goal of therapy should never be to help people adjust to oppression. - Carmen Cool

Therapy services are available if you live in Florida or North Carolina

"fall apart.
just, fall apart.
open your mouth
hurt. hurt the size of everything it is."

-nayyirah waheed

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